That clock tells real time! THATS JUST FREAKY :o
That clock tells real time! THATS JUST FREAKY :o
HAHA stupid people
"Get a clue human survival is more important than animal survival dip nuts."
And what the fuck is that supposed to mean? >:(
Anyway great flash good artwork and all that... i think animals rock but that music was baaAAaad stuff...
good try
loooooks like someones seen system interupted...
ah well good movie still. Just needs more frame-by-frame stuff. really... its not hard! :)
yea i actually got sorta inspired by that movie :P
actually a lot of it is frame by frame but im not too patient to i skimped off a bit on some scenes
Great movie...
... but i dont understand how come the cars reverse-lights were on when he was driving away..
my music
wOOt thanks for using my music! I love it when people do!
About the movie:
One drawback is the TONS of clock with guns shooting each other thing. It was all good... the graphics could be better but i know how hard it is =) If i had to point out one graphical error was the blood. It was kind of... well... cheezy :P Also try some frame-by-frame animating. Not it all, but things like the blood, and fire. not just moving around.
=) ty
That was really good,the different characters are well done... it was hard to understand the story but i think i kind of got, was it the evil looking guys minions turned good and they all fought against him? then i kind of lost the story with the kidnappings and crystals and pizza and such =)
BTW the last review was on Jan 2, 2002 ?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG
Damn thats good
Youd better be working on a fifth!! A FIFTH!!
Welcome to my lair
Age 34, Male
Flash, tech, stuff
Joined on 4/8/03